Splitboarding Gannett Peak
Steve Romeo skins out of Ink Wells with Gannett Peak in view:
Being the lone splitboarder in the group, I knew that my Voile SD Mojo would have to hold up to the heavy use and abuse the Wind Rivers would throw at it. There would be no friends to bum spare parts from in a desperate situation far from civilization. I was confident never being let down in “the field” before riding different models of Voile’s split-decision. Our only concerns were focused on weather, snow, and the glacier’s conditions since we left our ropes at home due to a big snow year.

The winds grew stronger and pushed a strange storm system in covering the summit of the mountain. Thoughts of retreat entered our minds. Below the Gooseneck Pinnacle with a brief discussion, we decided to push on despite lack of visibility. As we climbed further, the clouds let up slightly and we soon found ourselves on the top of Wyoming. Temperatures neared zero and we wasted little time switching over to enjoy the reward of the down.
On a long trip and big climbs like this the Mojo is durable, yet light with new cap construction, aspen core, and carbon fiber. Light is nice on the up, but this board IS “all about the down” without any sacrifice in powder, on ice, or in between. Hoots and hollers penetrated through gusts of wind as each of us found our lines down the mountain. Now I know what it all really means to live the “Simple. Solid. Backcountry.” way of life.