22/23 BIPOC Backcountry Scholarship Recipients

We’re grateful for the opportunity to lift up the voices of this year’s Voile BIPOC Backcountry Scholarship recipients. But first, we want to thank everybody who shared their essays with us. Thank you for trusting us in this space as we work toward promoting diversity in the industry. We know this scholarship is not a solution, but we have seen …

Voile Channel Puck System

The Voile Channel Puck System

The Voile Channel Puck System is our answer to the insert binding mount systems of the past. The Channel Puck System is featured across our entire board lineup due to its micro-adjustability and ease of adjustment. Whether you’re on a workbench or out in the field, the channel puck system offers supreme convenience. Here we will go over the features …

Taking Your Dog Ski Touring

Taking Your Dog Backcountry Skiing

All photos courtesy of Brooke Jackson Watching 60 lbs of pure fluffy joy barrel down a snowy slope is an unforgettable skiing experience.  Since she was a puppy, my Field Retriever, Eva, has loved snow as much as any Powder Hound out there. As we drive up the mountain pass and hit the snow line, she begins whimpering in excitement …

Spartan vs Spartan Ascent

Voile Spartan vs. Spartan Ascent Splitboard

We’re often asked about the differences between the Spartan and Spartan Ascent splitboard. While the quick answer is that the Spartan is a heavier, softer, more budget-friendly version of the Spartan Ascent, there’s obviously much more that goes into it. So hopefully today we’ll help give you a better idea of which Spartan option is right for you. What’s The …

2022 BIPOC Backcountry Scholarship

2022 BIPOC Backcountry Scholarship

**The 2022 BIPOC Backcountry Scholarship is now closed. Thank you for applying! We venture into the mountains for the unique tranquility and personal growth they provide. As long-time members of the outdoor industry, we recognize the lack of diversity in outdoor spaces and have come to face the troubling reality that these spaces are not exempt from discrimination. Equitable access …

Which Splitboard Is Right For You

Voile Splitboard Shootout: Which Board is Right For You?

Here at Voile, we have 4 distinct Splitboard shapes in our lineup. Each one is geared toward a distinct feel and style of riding. Hence, there are a few notable characteristics in each board that help them specialize in these different categories. While there are riders out there who’d be comfortable with any of these boards as a daily driver, …

Crusing La Grave

BIPOC Mountain Collective: Diversity in Backcountry Skiing & Riding

Backcountry brothers and sisters. Welcome to the Tele Mike V-Team Vlog. Today we’ll chop it up with the BIPOC Mountain Collective, Vibe Tribe, and Hip Hop artist MC Ric Riggler who pulled together their collective efforts to collaborate on a film project about backcountry skiing and riding in the BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) community. One may ponder, “Well …

Kuo Denali Rib

How to (finally) Plan Your Dream Ski Expedition.

V-Team ambassador Iain Kuo shares experience from previous ski expeditions to destinations around the globe that will help you execute in style, from the airport to the summit. Here are Iain’s pro tips to help you plan your dream ski expedition. If you’ve been dreaming of high peaks in remote places, thirsting to take your skis to another continent, planning …

Successful Backcountry Partnership

How To Create A Successful Backcountry Partnership

All photos courtesy of Brooke Jackson Soggy boots and achy limbs make climbing into the truck a welcomed reprieve. After a full day battling waist-high Devil’s Club, blackberry bushes, and other formidable forest growth, my limbs are pricked pink by thorns and minor lacerations. Despite the discomfort, our team is in good spirits as we turn up the radio and pass around …