Doing our part to end racial discrimination.

In 1980, Voile was started with a mission to create tools that would take us further into the outdoors, and tools that would help to keep us safe until our journey had brought us home. We, alongside many others, have devoted ourselves to cultivating access, stewardship, and connection to nature because of the unique peace of mind and profound healing …


Risk Tolerance in the Mountains

Risk: possibility of loss or injury. Tolerance: the act of allowing something. From: Merriam Webster Dictionary As I was descending from the summit of Mount Matier to the saddle of the NW Face for our ski descent, I was awestruck by the beauty of the glowing, rimed snow pillars on the ridge. Distracted for a brief second during the exposed …

St Elias 2014 base camp-ski-expedition

25 Tips for Your First Ski Expedition

After nine years and several hundred combined expedition days, V-Team Ambassadors Aaron Diamond and Ty Guarino wanted to put together a body of information that was tailored to anyone looking to go on their first ski expedition; specifically, Alaska-style basecamp expeditions that maximize fun and minimize discomfort.  Most of this information is universal for a ski expedition, but a few …


Sharing Our Story of Climate Change

In the dark early morning hours, I am lost in shifting hues as the sun nears the horizon. Color starts to emerge in the world as the day starts and the mountains around me become visible. The rhythm of my skis sliding uphill provides me a space for meditation. I am pondering my story of climate change and its relationship …

Women in the Mountains. Photo by Emily Sullivan

Women in the Mountains

Women in the Mountains feature photo: V-team ambassador Emily Sullivan (left) and Melis Coady (middle right) on an all-female basecamp patrol on Denali. Photo by Emily Sullivan. As International Women’s Day approaches, I’ve been reflecting on the distinctive experience of being a woman who lives for the mountains. I often think about the challenges women face in the outdoor community, …

The Legend of the Camel’s Hump Challenge

The Camel’s Hump Challenge has been around for over 30 years. The Challenge Trail takes skiers on a 15-mile loop that circumnavigates Camel’s Hump, third tallest peak (4,083 ft), keeping you at elevations ranging from 1,200 to 2,900 ft and intersecting Section 20 of the Catamount Trail as it loops around the mountain. The Camel’s Hump Challenge is a benefit …

Beginner's Guide to SkiMo Racing Anchorage Rando Racers3, CREDIT_ Alex Lee

A Beginner’s Guide to Skimo Racing

Before we dive into this Beginner’s Guide to Skimo Racing, let’s revisit my first-ever randonée race. I’ll never forget the experience: I was on a loaner ski setup that weighed 22 pounds. The boots barely walked and the skis were heavy powder skis, complete with frame bindings. It was a lap-style sprint race where participants try to get as many …