Guided Ski Tours in Utah with Inspired Summit Adventures
V: So with the sled (snowmobile) accessed skiing, is that mainly just for the yurt or do you offer day tours as well? Do you offer sled mentorship?
W: We do offer day tours. With having access to such a big range and so much acreage we really bounce around depending where we think has the best snow and stability and stuff like that. So we do a lot of single day trip snowmobile stuff.
V: Tell us more about this program.
S: So this year we expanded our snowmobile program by 100% so we now have two completely separate snowmobile rigs – enclosed trailers that will be (Weston hates this) “mobile base camps” but it’s true! Our snowmobile trailers have heaters in them, sound systems, and we will see if I can get a flatscreen TV in this next one too so we can look at photos at the end of the day and stuff. But that way we can run twice as many tours at a time.
S: We were forecasting how busy the Wasatch will be and how people are going to want to get away from there. What we are seeing is a lot of people calling us who are typically going heli skiing or cat skiing who want to try something different, and whose operations haven’t announced if they are opening or not this season. So we are picking up on some of that traffic as well.
V: Where in the Uintas do you run these programs?
W: We operate in the Smith and Morehouse, Moffitt, Slader Ridge zones and beyond. Then we also have everything to Hayden Peak and everything in between. So literally the entire western half the Uintas is fair game to us and even a little bit into the Evanston-Ranger district too, which is pretty cool.
S: So our snowmobile access terrain is all in the Uintas, and then all of our human-powered, lift accessed, and bi-canyons tours are all in the Wasatch.
W: We have a really diverse product set because some people have no interest in going on a snowmobile. Some people just wanna smash vert and get good snow in the Wasatch and that’s fine. And then other people are looking for that next thing and the Uintas are really that. Really fun!

S: The Uintas are a true backcountry experience. Wasangles is special and unique. I mean the fact that you can do a 5,000 vert day and it feels like a Uinta 3,000 vert day, is kind of the differentiation there. They are both awesome zones, just a different feel.
W: Mentality too.
Learn more about their Snowmobile-Accessed Touring here.